Take this with a grain of salt as everyone’s experience is based on what they’ve played before, but yeah. Hunter and Warlock are my least favourite classes (I am too dumb for pet management) so I didn’t do more than one challenge on either. I’m only really comfortable with 4-5 classes, and the rest I just picked the easiest spec to do each challenge on for the tints. I know all those specs have different approaches to the challenges that play on their strengths, but if you’re looking for quick and dirty, I’d avoid. I’d say steer clear of HPriest, SPriest, Boomkin, Outlaw and BDK if you’re not comfortable with the specs on like a slightly above basic level. I might just be bad at bear but it felt like I couldn’t really slip up at all, whereas I barely even knew what my VDH keybinds were and I killed it without proccing). Bear just required me to be a lot more aware of what was happening and was my highest pullcount, even after I’d already done the challenge on another tank.

Bubble and BoP save you if you get distracted during Valkyrs or enrage kiting.

God Queen’s Fury: Ret Paladin was super simple because you can just cleave everything and face tank with a Rep focus macro. Worm & Shaman: WW Monk > everything else. Rook: HPal (I did this on all the healers and this was leaps and bounds easier because you have about 100 abilities to deal with everything in your base tool kit).Īgatha: Ele, but Fury was also simple. I watched a streamer do it and he killed it in four attempts with no idea how the mechanics worked because of the self-healing. Xylem: Sub Rogue (only class I’d recommend getting Crusader for. Here’s my biased takeaway for the easiest way to do it: The only trinket I farmed for all classes where it made sense was the Seed Pod from EN because it’s so quick and you have three shots in five minutes. I didn’t use any special enchants (all SL stuff) and half of my alts were in levelling blues. I’ve done all the classes, and multiple specs on different challenges (a few I gave up after a few wipes because I had the mount and armour and it was more difficult than I cared for).